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Friday, May 29, 2009

Quadricep Exercises

Your quadriceps are the front part of your thighs. It is the largest muscle and therefore the strongest muscle. There are a million different variations and modifications that you can use to work this muscle. It requires the most weight that you will probably use over any other body part. That means they are often the last to develop and have what I personally believe the most soreness involved. I am a gym person so most of these are at the gym, however some of them may be able to be modified for home use. Here are some of the basic leg exercises.

1.) Squat. You can pretty much dictate how you do your squats and the placement of your feet. They can be pointed forward and touching or spread out slightly past shoulder width with your toes pointed outward. You can also have one foot in front of the other. When doing this, when you bend both knees should be at a 90 degree angle. Play around to find the best technique for your needs and follow these guidelines.

a.) When squatting down, your knees should never go past your toes.
b.) Your weight should be in your heels, you should be able to wiggles your toes. c.) Your torso should remain as vertical as possible.
d.) If your toes are out to the side or together, squeeze your gluteous and hold for a count of 3 before you repeat.
e.) Consider adding weight by using a bar, plates, or dumbbells.
f.) Try out the various machines, there are a million different machines for squats.

2. ) Leg press. This can be either at a angle or vertical depending on the machine that you choose. Sit on the machine and put your feet on the foot pad. Your feet can be together, apart, pointed inward or outward. The different foot position work different muscles within your quadraceps. Bring the weight down to your chest and then press back up. Do not hyper extend your knees.

3.)Leg Extension. Sit on the machine and place your ankles under the pads and extend your legs. Hold for a couple of seconds and release. Hold the handles and buckle the seat belt if provided.

4.)Sliders. Get some sliders, they are round discs that are slippery. You won't be able to use these on the carpet, because you have to slide. Get in the push up position and put your toes on the sliders. Then alternate bringing your legs into your chest. Remember this is a few of the exercises that you can do for legs. Also any cardio machine that causes you to lift your knees into your chest is also great.

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