Some of you just can't do the gym. That is fine, but it still not a excuse not to exercise. You can exercise outside, at home, or just about anywhere else. Here are a few ideas that you may want to consider. Depending on your level of fitness you can change any of these suggestions. There are a million different exercises that you can do with a Balance Ball and weights
Jesus wants us to be our absolute best, our bodies do not belong to us. They belong to God, for He is our Creator, we are to take stewardship over our bodies.
1.) Go for a run outside, just be sure that you have the proper attire. Pay a little extra for a good pair of running shoes. This is not the time to get cheap shoes because they are on sale. A poor pair of shoes will cause havoc on your knees, ankles, and eventually your back. Just make the investment, or take it inside.
2.) Run around with the children. I spoke of this before, but it deserves mentioning again. Children have a lot of energy, if you let them lead, I promise you will get your heart rate up.
3.) Put on a home video. Some of the videos available will provide a great workout. You just have to spend time to determine the one that is slightly above your fitness level. Get something that is going to challenge you to become better.
4.) Get a friend that is going to hold you accountable and help motivate you when necessary. Get someone that already has a exercise regimen that they follow.
5.) Be creative with what you do. Don't allow yourself to plateau, keep changing your routine and make it fun.
6.) When you park your car, make sure you get the furthest spot so that you have to walk the distance of the parking lot. You can also make sure you take the stairs when possible. Even if it is little things such as this, it can make a difference if you do it consistently.
7.) Understand there really are no rules to what exercise is and what it isn't. As long as you elevate your heart rate for a extended period of time, it is execise. The duration depends on how much time and effort you put into it. Remember, you can make your own rules. Just find out what does and what does not work for you. Just stay on course and make it part of your lifestyle. I promise the more that you exercise, the more it will become part of your daily life.
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