Keep Your Temple Tuned Up With These Excellent Resources

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Put Down the Salt Shaker

Salt is something that is overly consumed as a nation. It is in our foods in astronomical amounts. It is a perservative that is put in foods during the manufacturing process. Anything that has a expiration date that seems like 'forever'. Take time to learn the truth about food in Jill Fullerton's book Truth About Food

Take the time to read labels. Anything with sodium is also salt. Salt in 40% sodium and 60% chloride. Although some salt is required for our bodies to function, as a nation we eat way too much salt. Salt and sodium greatly increase the risk of high blood pressure.

Daily intake of sodium should not exceed 2400 miligrams which is about 1 teaspoon. We get this already in the foods that we eat. Processed foods are notorious for having large quantities of salt.

We can lower our salt intake and still bring out the flavor by the following these basic guidelines.
1. Use fresh ingredients.
2. Choose low sodium.
3. Stop putting salt in the pot when cooking pasta
4. Use fresh meat.
5. Choose fresh chicken and turkey.
6. Use lower and reduced sodium cheeses.
7. Use no salt canned vegetables and soups.
8. Use hot and cold cereals low in sodium.
9. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables.
10. Use herbs, spices, garlic, onion powder, and other seasonings.

So get rid of your salt shaker, try your food first and re think your usage of salt and sodium in order to reduce your risk for high blood pressure and hypertension.

Remember Starch is Sugar

I know that many of you love your breads, pastas, potatoes and variety of rices. They are part of the food pyrmiad and I am not going to tell you that you can't have them. What I am going to tell you is to make sure that you consume them in moderation only.

Starches turn into sugar when they are not worked off. That means once they turn into sugar then have the potential to turn into fat that becomes stored on your body.
If you do choose to eat starches it is far better to eat whole wheat, whole grain, or brown varieties. The white version holds minimal if any nutritional value.

When you do consume starch make sure that it is earlier in the day so that you have time to burn some of it off. For example, try lunch or a early dinner. Also be careful of what you put on the starch. We are known to pile on butter, heavy creams and sauces, and other condiments that also add a lot of empty calories.

Stay away from pastas in restaurants, because they are known for adding lots of extra oils, greases, and other fats that you wouldn't use at home. If you do consume pastas in restaurants, they are usually enormous portions that you can divide into two portions. I strongly recommend that you split it in half.

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Monday, June 29, 2009

Get Moving With Walking

Walking is something that we all do. However, there is a difference between walking for leisure and walking for exercise. I found some pointers on walking for exercise on Dr. Weil's website. Walking is an ideal way to get daily exercise - it strengthens almost every major organ in the body, promotes bone density, and boosts the immune system. But have you considered how to best put one foot in front of the other? Your walking habits can have an impact on how much benefit you get from each outing. Keep the following in mind when walking:

1.Walk with your head erect. If you need to check the ground to avoid obstacles, lower your eyes, not your head.
2.Keep your back straight. Stretch your spine so your shoulders are level and square, and tuck your buttocks in.
3.Bend your arms. Flex your elbows at close to 90-degree angles and let your arms swing at waist level.
4.Take shorter, measured steps, with your feet striking the ground with the heel and pushing off with the toes. Too long a stride can throw you off balance.
Avoid lowering your head, thrusting your trunk forward or letting your arms dangle listlessly at your sides.

So if you don't have any other means of exercise, then you can always keep walking so that you can get some form of exercise.

Eat Your Raspberries

Well I found another great article on Dr. Weil to encourage you to eat right so I wanted to share it with you. Eat your raspberries they are super good for your health. Check out this great bookGuide To Optimum Health

Raspberries are known as an aggregate fruit, meaning that smaller sections with seeds and fruit create a larger whole, raspberries have significant nutritional value - they:

1. Are a good source of vitamin C and fiber.
2. Provide folate, vitamins B2 and B3, magnesium and other essential nutrients.
3. Contain ellagitannins, natural health-protective compounds that appear to have potent anti-cancer activity.
4. Have considerable antioxidant potential (50% more than strawberries).
5. Place in the top 15 of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition's best antioxidant sources.
For an added dose of fiber and antioxidants, top your cereal with raspberries, add some to a salad, use them in sauces and baked goods, or enjoy them on their own. Because commercial strains may be heavily sprayed with pesticides, I recommend buying only organic varieties.

I encourage you eat more fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. On average we do not get enough in our every day diets. So be creative.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Be A Healthy Weight For Your Health

Obesity is a major health concern for a large percentage of Americans. Many use food as a result of a much deeper symptom and is often used as a replacement for lonliness, acceptance, validation, or just plain boredom.

It is important to realize that even if you don't have any other risk factors, obesity greatly increases your risk for heart disease and stroke. You can greatly reduce these risks by losing as little as 10 or 20 pounds. It has been found that carrying extra weight around your mid section is the most dangerous.

Avoid the yo-yo dieting that is advertised in the mass media. Just as it took time to gain it, it will take time to lose it. Remember doctors say that you should only lose one to one and a half pounds per week.

Therefore, when it comes to obesity take time to determine the real issue that food is replacing. Until you determine the real root of the problem, food will always be a source of cover up. Regardless of how you feel about your body image, maintaining a healthy weight is about your internal health not your appearance.

Analyze Your Recipes

It is incredibily important to analyze your receipes in order to promote good healthy eating habits. There are a few basic rules to follow when preparing your meals on a daily basis. Dr. Phil has a great cookbook that provides healthier alternatives in The ultimate Weight Solution Cookbook
1. Eat a variety of nutritious foods from all of the food groups.

2. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

3. Choose foods that are high in fiber, whole grain, and antioxidants.

4. Eat fish that contains omega 3 fatty acids twice a week.

5. Limit foods that are high in calories, but low in nutrients.

6. Choose products that are low-fat dairy products.

7. Cut back on beverages and foods with added and excess sugars.

8. Choose and prepare foods with little or no salt.

You can visit American Heart Association

You Are Stronger Than You Think

You are so much stronger than you think you are, so give yourself credit. Do not sell yourself short. It may be an extra set, five pounds, or a couple of extra minutes. Whatever it is, you have to constantly push yourself.

You know what your limit is, so go for it. This does not mean that you have to go for it each and every time that you work out. Of course, there will be some days when you have a better workout than others. However, those last extra that you sometimes force yourself to do will mean more than all of the sets and/or minutes from when you just started.

When you do this, you will not plateau as fast if at all. Do not do anything that will hurt yourself, but just sticking to the same thing over time is not a good idea.

Many people that are experienced in exercise do what is known as "burn out sets." That is that they go to the point of failure. It must be done with care and in moderation, but they are done quite often.

Don't be afraid to go the extra mile in your workout.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Obesity Is Killing You

Before anyone gets offended, let me start of saying that this has absolutely nothing to do with a stereotype or putting anyone down. This has absolutely nothing to do with your appearance, it is about your health. Dr. Phil wrote a wonderful book about losing weight safely The Ultimate Weight Solution

We are a nation that has a large percentage of people in all races that are what is considered to be obese. When you are obese you are opening the door to so many risk factors that are causing you to accelerate your death. I know that is not a pretty picture, but as I said before I will always tell you the truth.

For example, obesity greatly raises the risk of developing heart diesease, high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, less energy, slower metabalism, and your organs have to work harder.

Stop falling for products that make false promises through fads, diets, pills, and 5 minute exercise programs that don't work. Find a good doctor, personal trainer, nutritionist, and friend that will help you through your journey to losing weight.

Do it for God, yourself and those that love you. We know that just because someone is overweight does not mean they over eat. It can be a disease, thyroid, medication or other reasons. However, for those that are obese just because they overeat and don't exercise, they need to do something and do something immediately.

Stroke Prevention

We all know that strokes devastate many people and prevention is key. The risk factors of stroke include high cholesterol, high blood pressure, physical inactivity and being over weight.Check out this blood pressure monitor so that you can keep track of your blood pressure at home.

We all know that high cholesterol and blood pressure have a lot to do with family history and how much we exercise. However, it also has a lot to do with our food intake. Often times before our doctor will prescribe medication they will inquire on our eating and exercise habits.

It is up to you to go to the doctor on a regular basis to properly screen and test for these risk factors. You must be proactive and know your levels. Not paying attention to them can put you at high risk for diseases such as stroke.

This is the core reason, that I continue to write these articles. I am flat out tired of people not being healthy and neglecting to take care of themselves. Take notice of changes in your temple and report them to your doctor.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Eat Lots of Blueberries

Another great resource for you is Dr. Weil. I am sure many of you have heard of him. He provides many lots of informative and beneficial facts about health and nutrition. I found this information on his site about eating blueberries. He listsed the following reasons to make blueberries part of your diet.
1.Provide antioxidants. Anthocyanins, the pigments that make blueberries blue, are potent antioxidants: A half cup of blueberries provides the antioxidant power of five servings of peas, carrots, apples, squash or broccoli.
2.Are a healthy, low glycemic-index carbohydrate, an especially good choice for diabetics.
3.Are a source of vitamin C, important for a healthy immune system.
4.Help meet your need for daily fiber - two grams per one-half cup serving.
5.Have shown promise in addressing the effects of aging: animal studies have demonstrated improved motor skills and a reversal of age-related short-term memory loss associated with consuming blueberries.
6.May have other health benefits ranging from preventing cancer and defending against urinary tract infections to protecting the brain from stroke damage and reducing heart disease risks.

So if you don't eat blueberries, all I can say is that you need to start immediately. They are one of the healthiest foods that you can consume in your diet.

Check out these resources at Tune Up Your Temple Resources

For more information visit me at Tune Up Your Temple

The Dangers of Hydroxycut

I have tried to warn you against taking supplements that you do not know anything about. This is a article that I found on Yahoo.

Philadelphia, PA: If there is one thing that users of Hydroxycut supplements are learning, it is that "natural" does not necessarily equal "safe." This much was made clear after a recall of Hydroxycut diet supplements, announced after the supplements were linked to a risk of liver damage.

Consumers might think that a product that has all natural ingredients is inherently safe, but that is just not always true. According to an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer, there are a few ingredients found in Hydroxycut that could potentially be toxic. The first of these is hydroxycitric acid (HCA), the ingredient from which Hydroxycut gets its name. Back in the 1970s, a drug-maker tried to use HCA as a weight-loss drug but quit before the drug even got to human testing.

Two other ingredients, chromium and Camellia sinesis (a tea plant) have both been suggested by medical literature as potential causes of liver toxicity. So, there are at least 3 "natural" ingredients in Hydroxycut that are linked to liver problems. The same problems that have been linked to the use of Hydroxycut. Some patients required hospitalization and most recovered or at least improved after stopping the supplement.

Some patients who were diagnosed with liver disease had no idea their health was at risk, despite having taken Hydroxycut for years. The reason many patients have not linked their health problems to Hydroxycut could be that they thought the product was safe because it is natural. "The ER doctors were not able to find a cause [for my liver damage]," writes Lee G. from Philadelphia. "I did not tell them I was on Hydroxycut because I thought it was natural [and] didn't find the need to."

Lawsuits have been filed against Iovate Health Sciences, maker of Hydroxycut products, alleging the company knew that the products were unsafe but continued to market them. Furthermore, they allege the company misrepresented the safety of the products and used false and misleading advertisements in marketing the products. The bottom line is that natural is not the same thing as safe, no matter what the marketing for a supplement might tell you. If you have taken Hydroxycut, even for only a few weeks, and you are or were inexplicably ill, it is a good idea to seek medical attention to determine if you have liver damage.

Warming Up and Cooling Down

Especially if you are just starting a exercise program you should take the time to warm up and cool down. A simple warm up or cool down may include the following.

1.)Walking or briskly or jogging for a few minutes before or after.
2.)Lifting lighter than normal weights for a few sets.
4.)Easier or modified exercises

As you become more advanced your warm up and cool down periods will vary. There are some that just jump right into their workout. Although a lot of people do this, it is up to you to determine what is best for you. I know that for me personally, I sometimes warm up by lifting lighter than normal weights. When I do warm up first, I find that my actual workout is much more productive and I seem to get more out of it.

The cool down period, is so that your muscles have a chance to retract and relax. I know that a lot of people say stretching after a workout reduces the pain afterwards. This is something that you have to decide what is best for you. Try different variations of warm ups and cool downs that give you the best results.

How Do You Know When You Are Doing Enough

Knowing when you have done enough during a work out is something that is different for each individual but also different for each work out. Here are some basic guidelines that you will have to determine each time. Then you will have to make the necessary adjustments sometimes in the middle of a session.

1.) Check your form. This the main way that I tell if I need to change my workout. If you normally have good form and you find that you are breaking form during a exercise.

2.) Your breathing is labored and you can't catch your breathe. This is hard to determine, because as you come more advanced you will want to push yourself harder. However, if you are just starting and not accostumed to working out, make sure you can at least talk. This does not mean a afternoon conversation yapping away non stop on the phone, but talk.

3.) You can't quench your thirst. When you sweat, you lose hydration and become thirsty. After a couple of sips you should be fine. If not, take time to re hydrate yourself before you contine.

4.) Your arms or legs are literally shaking. This is a good feeling for some that are experienced, but if not then consider slowing down or decreasing weight.

When and if you experience these symptoms, you should consider slowing down or stopping for the day and continuing later. Be patient, it takes time.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Do What Is Best For You

Don't get caught up with how someone else seems to be doing as far as losing weight is concerned. Each one of us is completely different according to our genetic makeup. Even twins have certain differences that we may or may see with our eyes. Just because one person seems to do something and have great success does not by any stretch of the imagination mean that the same will work for you.

We were all created to be the best that we could be. Jesus is our standard and others do not have the right to judge us. Only God can judge, therefore we don't even have the right to judge ourselves. You have to take time to determine what works best for you.

Ask these five questions to yourself whenever you receive new information.
1.)What is this information trying to say?
2.)Is this information for me or someone else?
3.)Is this information pratical and realistic?
4.)Is this safe?
5.)Am I physically capable?
Consider your answers carefully before you make any drastic changes to your exercise or food intake and you have a much better reason that "just because." Do not, I said DO NOT do something "just because" without first checking out the "WHAT" first.

Keep Going When It Gets Tough

Just as with everything else there will be plenty of days when you simply don't feel like exercising when you are supposed to or not really care what goes in your mouth. We all have those days so don't think that you are alone.

Here are some things to remember when you have those days.
1.) Remember that God is not the author of failure. Deuteronomy 31:6 says, "Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee."

2.) Change your routine up. It may be that you are starting to plateau or get bored. Keep it exciting and unpredictible and you will be more energized.

3.) Involve others in your quest. Other people that are motivated to do this will also motivate you.

4.) Make a covenant before the trinity. The trinity has made several covenants with you and has never left or forsaken you. Now it is your turn to do the same for the trinity.

Times will get hard, that is to be expected. What really matters is how you react and the seed that you sow. Stay stedfast, unmoveable, and unshakeable for your health.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Can I Spot Train?

Often times I hear people that just want to what I call spot train. That is simply train one spot or one body part. This is the I don't care about my legs, I just want nice arms person.

This is a tricky topic for a couple of reasons the answer is yes and no. The answer is yes if you are well experienced and already have a certain amount of muscle that you are building and are not really concerned with actually losing weight or trying to gain weight in the form of muscle. You possibly add a little extra time or do what is known as doubles. That is two workouts a day. Don't freak out many people do this that are serious about exercise. However, it needs to be done with care and a schedule or journal still needs to be maintained to give proper rest.

However, if you are trying to lose weight and add some muscle then the answer is no. When you are doing cardio, your body knows the language of raise your heart rate and your metabolism. People often store fat in different places in their body and will lose in a certain place in their body first. However, you have no control over this process. Only God has the power to decide when and where your body will react according to the exercise and food that you eat.

So you have to decide where you fit between these two scenarios and determine whether or not it is possible for you to spot train.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tailoring Your Diet

If you have been diagnosed with a particular disease or at high risk for a specific disease then take the time to have a sit down with your doctor. You can also really consider sitting down with a nutritionist for a more detailed idea of what you should or should not be eating.

Certain diseases require that you add or eliminate certain foods or ingredients from your diet. If your doctor or nutritionist tells you that you can not have something, then forget everything that I told you about moderation and listen to them. They know best! For example, I know someone that has some sort of disease that prevents her from eating vegetables. If that isn't a shocker, I don't know what is!

When you have this conversation take a food journal that you have kept for a while so that they are educated on what you actually consume on a normal basis. This is their profession, let them lead you. You should also take a notebook with questions and a pen to write answers. You often have limited time with them so use it wisely.

Put your flesh under subjection and do what you are instructed to do for your health.

Exercising In Extreme Hot Temperatures

I wasn't even thinking about writing this article, but I live in Las Vegas where it gets well above the 100 degree mark in the dead of summer. This goes to all of you that exercise outdoors. During the summer months when there are heat advisories in the weather, I encourage you to come indoors to exercise.

There are some basic warning signs that you need to be aware of, if you are outdoors.
1. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are very serious matters and need to be taken seriously. If you begin to feel light headed, nauseated, or de hydrated. Stop, sit down and put your head down between your knees.

2. Keep fluids inside of you. Drink more water than if you were inside, but still be careful of drinking too much too fast. You can still get that monsterous side ache.

3. Slow down your pace. Do not exert yourself as much as normal. If you try to do your same workout as normal, you run the risk of causing harm to yourself.

4. Wear clothing that allows your skin to breathe. Most workout attire already does this, but if you are not wearing traditional workout attire make sure your sweat can excape.

5. If symptoms persist, go inside immediately to cool off and for your heart rate to come back to normal. If necessary, seek medical attention from a doctor or health care professional.

So if you insist on exercising outside when there are extreme hot temperatures, be very careful and take these five precautions into account.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How We Become Toxic To Our Bodies

As a nation we are becoming more and more toxic and less healthy.
Dr. Oz wrote a extremely informative book on how food reacts with our body in You On A Diet:The Owners Manual
1. Constipation. The colon is your body's sewage system. If your sewage system backs up, toxins become trapped in your colon. Chronic constipation means these toxins are fermenting and decaying in the colon, often being re-absorbed into the bloodstream, which in turn, pollutes all of our tissues and cells.

2. Poor Diet. Poor diet includes dead, cooked, devitalized, clogging, low fiber foods, fried foods, junk foods, over-processed foods, etc. As a modern society, we have drifted further and further a way from eating raw, organic "good for you" fruits, vegetables and whole grains high in natural fiber, nutrients, and enzymes.You are what you eat! Eat healthy!!!

3. Over-Consumption. Overeating puts a tremendous amount of stress on our digestive system. Most people eat too much food, too fast. A meal should be eaten slowly and food chewed thoroughly. Saliva mixed with food in the mouth plays a huge role in foods being digested properly. When we over-eat, the digestive system cannot always meet the demands placed upon it. Vital nutrients are NOT absorbed. Try to eat smaller meals, with "healthy" snacks in-between meals. If you only eat when you're "starving," you will constantly over-eat and wonder why you feel so heavy, bloated and tired afterwards. Eat light and stay healthy!

4. Lack of Water. Water makes up 65 to 75% of the human body. It is second only to oxygen in order of importance to sustain life. Water cleanses the inside of the body as well as the outside. It is instrumental in flushing out wastes and toxins. When our bodies do not receive enough water, toxins tend to stagnate, hindering all digestive and eliminative processes. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day is imperative to good health. By the way, sodas DO NOT COUNT as water intake! Sodas of any kind (Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, etc.) contain high levels of sodium, sweeteners, caffeine, and very bad-for-you chemicals. Over time, sodas can be a big contributor to ill health. Try and limit your soda intake and drink as much water as possible.

5. Stress. Stress effects every cell and tissue in the human body. Stress breaks down the immune system as well as all of the major organs. Stress is TOXIC to our bodies! It robs the body of important vitamins and miner­als, and over time, can cause severe acid build-up. The worst thing a person can do is to eat a meal while experiencing extreme stress. This usually causes indigestion, and nutrients will not be absorbed. Regulate and control the amount of stress in your life, and you will be a healthier and happier person.

6. Lack of Exercise. Exercise strength­ens our entire bodies. It stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic system, building muscles, nerves, blood, glands, lungs, heart, brain, mind and mood. Blood is pumped throughout our bodies by the heart, but lymphatic fluid depends solely on exercise to be circulated throughout our lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is the human body's sewage system... it is responsible for the removal of cellular and toxic waste. Here is a remarkable fact... there is 3 times more lymphatic fluid in the human body than blood! Physical exercise and movement is the lymphatic system's only "pump,” so to speak. If we don't exercise, our lymphatic system becomes sluggish and toxic, effecting our overall health. Lack of exercise lowers metabolic efficiency, and without circulatory and lymphatic stimulation, the body's natural cleansing systems are weakened. Exercise is extremely important.

7. Eating Late at Night. The human body uses sleep to repair, rebuild and restore itself. In essence, our bodies use the sleeping hours to cleanse and detoxify, and to build strength and immunity. When we eat late at night and go to sleep with a full stomach, the body IS NOT at rest. Even though our mental processes are quiet, our physical body is actually quite busy digesting and processing a large amount of food. This inhibits the vital cleansing, building and restorative processes that normally occur while we sleep. We've all had the experi­ence of going to sleep with a full stomach, and waking the next morning feeling tired, exhausted and disoriented, despite 8 hours of sleep. This is because your body, in actuality, did NOT get 8 hours of sleep... more like 3 hours of sleep, after working hard most of the night to digest and process the big meal you ate before bed. Do not eat late at night! Eat an early dinner, and eat light in the evenings.

These are just a few of the ways that we add toxics to our body. Pay careful attention to how you treat your body, how you treat it now will be reflected when your are in your golden years.

The Health Benefits of Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds and Flaxseed oil have tremendous health benefits.Flaxseed and flaxseed oil are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid that appears to be beneficial for heart disease. ALA belongs to a group of substances called omega-3 fatty acids.

Good health requires both Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids in the diet. The average american diet gets way too much Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3. Flaxseed oil is a good source of Omega 3. You should consume every day small portions of flaxseed or flaxseed oil. However if flaxseed oil is used in the diet for long time, without other oils, it may cause Omega 6 LA deficiency symptoms. So the best bet is to blend flaxseed oil with other oils that contain more Omega 6, such as sesame oil, sunflower oil, evening primrose oil.

Flaxseed oil is good for the heart because it is the richest source of alpha-linolenic acid. Flaxseed itself (ground or whole) also contains lignans, which may have antioxidant actions and may help protect against certain cancers, though not everyone agrees on this issue.

Lower cholesterol, protect against heart disease and control high blood pressure. Several studies indicate that flaxseed oil, as well as ground flaxseeds, can lower cholesterol. Flaxseed oil may also have a protective effect against angina (chest pain) and high blood pressure. In addition, a 5-year study done recently at Boston's Simmons College found that flaxseed oil may be useful in preventing a 2nd heart attack.

Control constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticular disorders. Because they are high in soluble fiber, ground flaxseeds can help ease the passage of stools and thus relieve constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticular disease.

Reduce cancer risk. The lignans in flaxseed appear to play a role in protecting against breast, colon, prostate, and perhaps skin cancer. In one study(1), prostate cancer patients who added about 3 heaping tablespoons of ground flaxseed daily to their diet, had more slowly-dividing tumor cells and a greater rate of tumor cell death than men who did not follow such a diet, after about 5 weeks. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among American men, excluding skin cancers.

Dr. Johanna Budwig is known and highly respected around the world, as Germany's premier biochemist. Over the years she has published a number of books including "Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer, and other Diseases".

In the mid 1950's, Dr. Budwig began her extensive research on the benefits of flaxseed because of its rich essential fatty acid content known as "linoleic and linolenic". Dr. Budwig assisted many seriously ill, helping them to regain their health through a simple regimen of flaxseed oil blended with cottage cheese.

Dr. Budwig supplemented her patients' diets with 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil combined with 1/4 cup of cottage cheese. Dr. Budwig found that a yellowish green substance in their blood was replaced with a healthy red pigment, hemoglobin. She also found that the tumors receded and disappeared, anemia was alleviated, and vital energy was regained.

Here is Dr. Johanna Budwig's Blend:

Put in your blender:
1 cup organic cottage cheese
2-5 Tbsp. of flaxseed oil
1-3 Tbsp. of freshly ground up flaxseed (electric coffee grinder ($15) works fine)
enough water to make it soft
a little Cayenne pepper (red hot chilly pepper)

Flaxseed oil is made more effective when 2 tablespoons of the oil are added to 1/4 cup of cottage cheese. The essential fats bind to the proteins in the cottage cheese making them more easily absorbed by your body.

Ground flaxseed or flaxseed oil?

Liquid flaxseed oil is the easiest form to use, although it must be kept refrigerated. It is available either in liquid form, or in capsules.

If you prefer to use ground flaxseeds, just add 1 or 2 tablespoons of to an 8-ounce glass of water and mix. Flaxseeds have a pleasant, nutty flavor and taste good sprinkled on salads, cooked vegetables, or cereals.

I recommend you grind the seeds (or buy ground flaxseed) because whole seeds simply pass through the body. Grinding the seeds just before using them best preserves flavor and nutrition, but pre-ground seeds are more convenient. Keep them refrigerated. There are no nutritional differences between brown and yellow seeds.

For best absorption, take flaxseed oil with food. It is easily mixed into juices and other drinks, and its nutty, buttery flavor complements cottage cheese, yogurt and many other foods. You can also use it instead of olive oil in a salad dressing. Don't cook with it, however, as this will deplete the oil's nutrient content.

Buy flaxseed oil in an opaque plastic bottle. This will prevent light from spoiling it. Also check the expiration date on the label, as the oil spoils quickly. Keep it refrigerated for freshness. Should the oil develop a powerful odor, discard it.

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Eat Your Garlic-Brush Your Teeth Later

A close friend sent me an email about the benefits of garlic. I thought it would be beneficial to pass on to you. There has been more written about the wonderful benefits of garlic than any other food source known. Its history dates back 3,500 years: Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was the first to write that garlic was an excellent medicine for eliminating tumors.

Recent studies on garlic have shown it to be:

1. Antibacterial—a wide spectrum antibiotic that doesn't kill the good bacteria.

2. Hypoglycemic—lowers sugar levels in the blood

3. Hypolipidemic—lowers harmful fat levels in the blood

4.Antiatherosclerotic—eliminates clogging of the arteries and plaque buildup, lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Garlic comes to us in many forms, yet most of them found in health food stores contain mostly vegetable oil, very little garlic, and has been overprocessed. It seems the best brand name garlic supplements on the market are Kyolic, which is pesticide free, aged for almost 20 months and available either freeze dried or liquid capsules.

I was under the impression that fresh garlic would be the best form, however, John Mastel, from Mastel's Health Foods, handed me some literature on studies comparing the effects of garlic on immune system response and showed that aged garlic actually increased T-cell response at a slightly higher rate than fresh…

…Penn State researchers have discovered that the anti-tumor activity of garlic can be destroyed by one minute of microwaving to forty-five minutes of oven roasting. Cooking kills garlic's anti-tumor properties. However, the good news is it doesn't have to. For one thing, if you have cancer, avoid using your microwave entirely except to heat water. Next, chop up your garlic and let it set for 10 minutes before adding it to anything about to be cooked. This enables naturally present enzymes in the garlic to start a chemical reaction producing the compounds that fight tumors. Even better still, chop it up, let it sit, and add it only before serving.

There are cases on record where cancer was beaten with a good detoxication program and garlic alone. It's not just for Italian's any more. So eat you garlic and you can worry about brushing your teeth later.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Holidays

Personally, I never understood why people seem to think that they can forget everything they know about exercise and eating right out the window during the holidays. While it is true that you don't have to deprive yourself and that you can eat the goodies, it must still be done in moderation.

Although, I encourage you to start exercising and eating right, I recommend doing so at another time besides the holidays. It is not to say that you won't be successful, it is just to say that you will be faced with a elevated degree of temptation and schedules often get crazy. Both of which will make it more difficult to begin and maintain this lifestyle change.

Also if you have not been completely transformed from the world, the chances of you getting caught up in the worldly "New Years Resolution" pitfall is increased. Take time to make a covenant with the trinity to be be a good steward over your body that is in God's time.

Have fun and celebrate during the holidays, but do it in a way that you don't just throw everything out that you have worked so hard to obtain.

Recovering From A Injury

Often times we cause injury to ourselves that have an adverse effect on our bodies and can disrupt our exercise routine. If you injure yourself first and foremost go to the doctor to make sure there is nothing broken and follow doctor orders.

They will probably tell you to put the body part on R.I.C.E

Rest-Don't stop, but limit use of the body part.

Ice-Ice, ususally in 10-15 for a few hour intervals.

Compression-usually hot or cold depending on the injury. Your doctor will tell you more specific instructions.

Elevation-Keep the body part elevated, if possible keep above your heart. For example, if you hurt your leg you may have to lay down with pillows under your knees.

This is not by any stretch of the imagination a substitute for a visit to the doctor office, but they are very likely to prescribe some variation of RICE along with some pain medication.

Follow doctor's orders and then when you do return, do so slowly at a modified routine until you can build back up to where you were before you were injured.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Eating Out vs Eating In

I get so tired of people saying that it is so hard to eat in at home. Here are a few reasons why I beg to differ with that statement.

1: Eating in is cheaper.

Fast food is expensive. You can make the same thing at home for a fraction of the cost and make more of it for a family.

2. Eating in is healthier.

Fast food and restaurants are notorious for adding extra sugars, oils, and other fattening ingredients and you don't know what is added. At home you have more control of how something is prepared.

3. Eating in is more convenient.

There are a million recipes that you can prepare the day beforehand, you can utilize your freezer by making a lot one day and then freezing the rest.

4. Eating in is boring.

You can cook a wonderful meal with your family, have friends over, or just experiment with different types of food.

Yes it is alright to eat out on occasion, but it should not be the norm. Get the whole family involved and spend quality time together as a family. It is by far much healthier. As a nation, we need to be extremely careful about eating at fast food restaurants and teaching our children that it is the norm. Watch this video and learn why traditional fast food restaurants are making us more obese.

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>

Making the Time

For all of you that are refusing to make the time for exercising let me just tell you this simple fact. When you make time for exercise you will have more energy and stanima to get through the rest of your day. In short that means that you will be more productive in other areas of your life, because you won't be as tired and stressed out from the events of your day.

Each day is just twenty four hours long. There is absolutely nothing we can do to add extra time so we must make the most of the time that we do have during our day. This is another reason why experts suggest exercising in the morning, because then you have more to give during the day. When you exercise at night, you do not have this luxuary to the full extent.

It is critical that you make time for yourself. Yes, while it is true that we are here to serve others, we are also to be good stewards over our own selves. If you don't take care of yourself, then you will not be able to take care of others that need you. Also keep in mind, that others who love you, want the best for you and for you take care of yourself.

Make the time for exercise and you will have more time. Your twenty four hours will seem that much longer because you won't have to drag through your day. So make the time.

Monday, June 8, 2009

10 Rules Unfit People Follow

Here are some basic rules that unfit people follow. There are many other rules that I am missing, but here are some of the big ones that is keeping us unfit.

1.) I eat whatever I want. These people do not pay any attention to what they eat. If they want it, then they eat it with absolutely no regard to its nutritional value. They do not believe in moderation.

2.) I do not exercise. These people believe that exercise is meant for someone else. They do not believe in it and will not do it under any circumstances. They feel that exercise is a waste of time.

3.) I can rely on my genetics to keep me in shape. Genetics only plays into effect for a limited time. Even a person with good genetics needs to exercise. Genetics will only carry you so far in terms of your body and the health of your organs.

4.)I can eat at any time. You should really stop eating about 2 to 2 1/2 hours before bed. Your metabolism slows when you sleep and unburned calories will turn into fat.

5.) They follow every fad diet. Fad diets are just that a fad. They come and they go, because they either don't work at all or if they do they are very limited. Most fad diets are very generic in what you can and can not consume. This poses a conflict, because every person is different and no two people can follow the same diet and get the same result.

6.) They lose weight too fast. These people do everything that they can to lose as much weight as they can as fast as they can. Then in return they gain back more than before they started. This is the yo-yo dieter.

7.) They take diet pills from infomercials. These don't work, they are quite dangerous and addictive. Unless you are severely obese and under a physians care you should not be taking any pills from informercials or over the counter.

8.) They compare themselves to others. God made you to be who you are. Psalms 139:14 says, "I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." We are each unique and to want to be someone else is to say that God made a mistake.

9.) They eat one big meal a day. These people eat little to no breakfast, skip lunch, have a small snack and then a enornous dinner. You should eat several small meals through the day and eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, moderate dinner.

10.) They eat fast food all of the time. Fast food generally has a bunch of unnecessary and empty calories, high sodium, high cholesterol, and sugar. Eating at home is healthier and cheaper.

It Has To Be For You

Exercising and eating right has to be decision that you have to make for yourself. It is something that needs to be a lifestyle change. As much as you love your spouse, children, and family if you attempt to do it for them you will eventually fail. Donna Richardson makes sure that you take care of yourself for you in Exercise Your WeightTo A Healthy Body

You may be successful in the beginning, but if it is not in your heart to make these changes then you will only succeed for a limited time. Before you begin, take it before God. Only God knows your heart and can give you strength. Matthew 7:7 says, " ASk, and it will be given to you, seek, and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you."

Do not allow the negativity of other people influence you into not doing what is best for your health. Only God can judge you. There will be times when you will fall off, do not get discouraged. We are not perfect, just get back on course and start again. Be sure that you learn from your mistakes. Learning has not taken place until there has been a modification in behavoir.

Do this from the inside out from your heart and you will succeed. The trinity knows your heart and will give you the best if you give the trinity your best.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Eating Healthy Does Taste Good

I always hear people say that they don't eat healthy because it doesn't taste good. I can tell you that this is just another excuse that people use. There are so many seasonings, herbs, spices etc that you can use to add flavor to your meals.

I have had so many meals that are completely healthy for you. Research various receipes that allow you to make subsitutions as a healthier alternative. Don't automatically assume that you have to use unhealthy ingredients to make your foods taste good.

Most things that you would normally fry can also be baked or grilled. Try it, it may take some practice but I promise you they will taste good. Somethings I think we fry for no other reason than that is how it was done by previous generations.

You will be surprised to how fast your taste buds will adjust and then you won't tell the difference. Here are a couple of suggestions.
1. Bake, grill, or poach
2. Use seasonings, herbs, spices
3. Steam veggies
4. Use honey rather than refined sugar.
5. Subsitute white grains for whole wheat grains

Just make small substitutes at a time and you will get to a point when you don't even miss the unhealthy alternative. Watch the following video so that you can teach your children that healthy eating can taste good.

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>

Eating Healthy Is About Moderation

I hear so many people saying the number one reason they don't eat healthy is because it doesn't taste good or they don't want to give up everything that they love. All I have to say is, that is nothing more than another excuse.

There is nothing that says that you can't have your favorite foods that are not healthy for you ever again. If you have a piece of desert or something fried every once in a while, it isn't going to have any affect on you. The problem comes when it is the norm and you eat more unhealthy food than you do healthy food.

It never fails, we always want to do or crave what we are told that we can't have or do. For example, if someone says don't look, the first thing we want to do is to look. This is true even if we had zero desire to look prior to them saying something.

That is why it is so important to replace most of the unhealthy food, you will never hear me say replace it all. Not only is it completely unrealistic, it is deprevation. Although I will never tell you to replace it, I will tell you to have it only in small moderations. Believe it or not you will gradually lose your cravings and understand that you are not missing anything when you don't have it.

So go ahead and treat yourself, just don't let it be the norm. It doesn't even have to be a treat, eat it and enjoy it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Arm Exercises

Arms are also very important in the fact that you use them for so much that you do in your daily life. Once again there are several different exercises that you can use to work the different muscles in your arms. Here are some weights that you can use for your arm exercises dumbbells or you can use the rubber version

Your arm is made up of your tricep, bicep, and forearm. You must work all areas of your arm to remain balanced although the tricep seems to take the mosst work from my personal experience.

1.)French press.
-Sit in a chair bench.
-Flat palm one dumbbell with both hands.
-Keep your elbows as close to your ears as possible.
-Drop the weight behind your head down as far as you can.
-Press the weight up towards the ceiling, squeezing at the top.

2.Close in grip.
-Lay down on a flat bench press machine.
-Extend your thumbs so that they are touching each other. Grip the bar.
-Bring down the bar, pointing your elbows out.
-Push up the bar.

3.)Tricep push down. This is a cable exercise.
-Determine the bar. Either the "w" or the "v"
-Stand with your feet together about 6 inches from where the bar falls.
-Grab the bar and extend down to your thighs.
-Be sure to squeeze every time you go down.
-Go back up.

1.)Curls. Can be done with bar, dumbbells, barbells, cable, and machine.
There are a million different curls that you can perform, so ask questions.
- Stand or sit depending on what you are using.
- Curl up, keeping your elbows close to your body.

Your elbow position will vary, so it is critical to pay close attention to form.
When I say there are a million different curls that is what I mean so try several out to determine what works for you.

1. Forearm curl.
-Lean over a bench so your forearms are half way on the bench.
-Hold dumbbell or bar in your fingertips and curl up.
-Squeeze every time you come up.

You can also do these by standing up with dumbbells at your sides.

Experiment with the different arm exercises to determine what works best for you.

Back Exercises

Your back is also very important to work out. There are a million different exercises that will work the back. In order to get a full back workout, you must do several different variations and modifications of exercises. There are back exercises for free weights, barbells, dumbbells, and cables. It is up to you to become educated and familiar with the many different exercises and then you can switch up your back routine on a regular basis. You can also use dumbbells or you can use the rubber version

1.) Lateral pull. This is either on a machine or cable.
-First sit down and make sure the pad in snuggly against your thighs when you place your feet flat on the ground.
-Stand up and grab the bar or handles. There are a lot of different bars to choose from.
-As you pull the bar down, lean back slightly and push out your chest squeezing your back together.
-Release allowing the bar to stretch at the top of the exercise. Do not allow the weight to pull you from under the pad.
-Remember these may be a horizontal or vertical pull depending on the machine.

2.)Chainsaws. These are also quite common.
-Lean over the weight stack or on a bench. Support yourself with one hand.
-In the opposite hand, hold the weight at a slight angle and then pull back until your hand is by your armpit. Release

3.) T-bar pull. These are done with free weights.
-Place your feet on the platform and grab the handles.
-Pull back so your hands are by your armpits, release.

Your back requires a lot of work and will balance out your frame. When your back is strong, you are strong. It also improves your posture. As many of you know, when your back is weak, you have other problems. Strengthening your back is essential to your improvement in your overall health.