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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Warming Up and Cooling Down

Especially if you are just starting a exercise program you should take the time to warm up and cool down. A simple warm up or cool down may include the following.

1.)Walking or briskly or jogging for a few minutes before or after.
2.)Lifting lighter than normal weights for a few sets.
4.)Easier or modified exercises

As you become more advanced your warm up and cool down periods will vary. There are some that just jump right into their workout. Although a lot of people do this, it is up to you to determine what is best for you. I know that for me personally, I sometimes warm up by lifting lighter than normal weights. When I do warm up first, I find that my actual workout is much more productive and I seem to get more out of it.

The cool down period, is so that your muscles have a chance to retract and relax. I know that a lot of people say stretching after a workout reduces the pain afterwards. This is something that you have to decide what is best for you. Try different variations of warm ups and cool downs that give you the best results.

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