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Friday, January 23, 2009

10 Rules Fit People Do In Their Everyday Lives

There are some basic rules that everyone that is fit follows on a day to day basis. If you notice, they are not difficult, but if you adhere to them, they will make you healthier.

Rule #1 They have a understanding that "DIET" simply does not exist. They do not count calories or jump on the diet bandwagon every week. Diets change like the weather. They eat a healthy "BALANCED" diet in moderation.

Rule #2 They have a exercise program that they follow. They may not follow a plan religiously, but they have some sort exercise that they do regularly. They keep reinventing their program so they don't get bored.

Rule #3 They only eat when they are actually hungry. They do not subsitute food for other feelings and emotions. They have a schedule that they eat meals and snacks. They eat in smaller portions so their metabolism is always functioning at it's optimal level.

Rule #4 They make sure they get enough sleep. They follow a sleep schedule. When your body is not properly rested, it can not perform at it's optimal level.

Rule #5 They drink a lot of water. The amount that is needed is up for debate, but it keeps your system flushed out of impurities. Unless you are on a vitamin regime, your urine should be a pale yellow or even clear.

Rule #6 They know when to relax. They have a venue in which they release stress. It has been proven that stress is the leading cause of many health issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardio vascular disease, and stroke.

Rule #7 They have a good social network of friends and collegues. We are taught throughout the Bible that God wants us to give to others and that our gift is for us to give to our neighbor. He did not intend for us to be alone.

Rule #8 They eat breakfast every morning. There have been countless studies that prove that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you energy to get your day started and gets your metabolism working.

Rule#9 They are on some type of vitamin regime. Unfortunately, with all of the processing that our food goes through, a lot of the natural nutrients and vitamins are lost. We need to take extra vitamins to supplement our food intake. Speak with a nutritionist or doctor prior to beginning a regime to check for conflict and dosage.

Rule #10 They stop eating when they are full. Unless it is Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner you should not be eating until you feel like you are going to bust. Stop eating when you are full, even if you don't clean your plate. Put it up for later.

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