Excuse 1: I don' have time. This is the excuse that is the most inexcusable and the one that makes me the most upset. Make exercise part of your routine. It’s that simple. Just like you get up to go to work at the same time, you can exercise at the same time. If you want to feel and see the results you will make time.
Excuse 2: I have children. This is easy. Exercise with your children. If you go to the gym most gyms have day-care that you can pay per visit or have added into your membership dues. Please see the section, CHILDREN AND EXERCISE
Excuse 3: I am too embarrassed to go to the gym. Trust me, no one is really paying that much attention to you! If you are at the gym, get some head phones with some music and WORK OUT. I write more about this in, THE THOUGHT OF GOING TO THE GYM SCARES ME
Excuse 4: I don't see any results, I guess I'm just meant to be fat. You can also read HELP IT'S NOT WORKING You didn't put your weight on overnight, so don't expect it to come off overnight. It is a process that takes time. You may never look like the models you see on television and print media. News flash! They don't either, it's called airbrushing and cropping. I write more about this in, THE TRUTH ABOUT LIES .
Excuse 5: I don't mind being overweight. You should mind! You are meant to be healthy which means getting some sort of cardiovascular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight. Don’t make your organs work harder than necessary. Read the Section BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) VS. WEIGHT .
Excuse 6: I can't afford to go to the gym. The gym is great, but who says that you have to go to the gym. Your family room or outdoors can be just fine and it is free. Read the Section I CAN"T DO THE GYM .
Excuse 7: I don't have any one to support me. Although the support of friends and family can be great it is not imperative. Exercise is something that no one can do for you. It is something that you have to do for yourself. Please read the sections HOW DO I GET STARTED and WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS AWARDED TO ME WHEN I BECOME A GOOD STEWARD OVER MY HEALTH?
Excuse 8: I don't know how to exercise. Exercise can be as simple as walking around the block. You can turn on the television and see a program of people exercising. Didn't you learn how to ride a bike when you were about 5 years old? It hasn't changed! If you have children, I don’t know one between 5 and 12 that doesn’t love a good game of tag. If you want to learn about exercising, you will. See the sections, WORK OUT RULES and “FORM RULES AND GYM ETIQUETE .” Excuse 9: I'm confused about what to do and what to believe. This is common sense. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Your body will guide you on what to do. This also has to do with the section, “THE TRUTH ABOUT LIES.” Listen to your body and what it tells you. Write down your 3 biggest excuses that you have for not exercising and then write down what you can do today to overcome them.
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