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Monday, September 22, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions About Exercising

Question:Is it better to eat before or after I WORK OUT?

Answer:Ideally you should eat something small and healthy 20-30 minutes prior and 20-30 minutes after your WORK OUT. I would recommend something with protein or a piece of fruit. Your muscles use protein for development. You don't want to be on a full stomach or on an empty stomach. You should feel just right.

Question: What do I have to do to prevent being bulky?

Answer: The main trick is to lift light to medium weight and do as many repetitions as possible on each set. Every three or four WORK OUTS, you do want to lift a little heavier and then go back down to your normal routine.

Question: What should I do if I just want to lose the fat, I could care less about the muscle?

Answer:Cardio and more cardio. However, you do want to do some weight training to prevent sagging skin after you have lost the weight. I am sure you have seen the pictures of people with sagging skin, not pretty.

Question:Do I do a full body WORK OUT?

Answer: It depends, if you are doing exercises such as swimming, step aerobics, yoga, Pilates you will do a full body WORK OUT. However, if you are weight training and do a full body WORK OUT you are wasting time. If you WORK OUT with weights pick one or two body parts a time and do those two only and then the next WORK OUT pick another two. Give each body part at least a day in between WORK OUTS.

Question: I love to run. Is it better on the elliptical, treadmill or outside?

Answer: They a have their advantages and disadvantages. Treadmill or elliptical sets the pace and there are less distractions, you also make sure you get a WORK OUT. The elliptical is the best for your joints because there is little or no impact. However, some love the outdoors. There are many distractions such as stopping for traffic, other pedestrians, and it is hard on your joints. Some also feel that it they lose track of time outdoors and can run longer without getting as bored.

Question: How come I stopped seeing results after I have been working out for a while?

Answer: You simply need to change your routine. Once you do the same thing for so long your body becomes accustomed to what you are going to do and will not change. Simply change the order or if you have been doing nothing more than cardio, switch it up and add in weights. You can always go back to something if you love it. The trick is to surprise your body.

Question: Is stretching before and/or after a WORK OUT a good idea?

Answer: The jury is out on stretching. If you do stretch only do about 5 or maybe 10 minutes prior and the same afterwards. You don’t want to over stretch. From the time I was little I was always told not to bounce.

Question: How long will I be sore?

Answer: That depends on each individual person. When you first start it will be the worse or when you increase or change your WORK OUT. Remember soreness is a sign that you’re gaining muscle so it is a good thing. When I haven’t been sore for a while, it is a sign that I need to increase my WORK OUT.

Question: I can’t WORK OUT all seven days a week, so how do I choose which days to WORK OUT?

Answer: You should aim for at least 4 days a week at minimum. Whatever you do choose, make sure that you do not take more than 2 days off in a row. If you take more than that it will be like you are starting all over and what you did prior to those 2 days off will have been wasted.

Question: Is it better to WORK OUT in the morning or at night?

Answer: The jury is out on this as well. All of the experts will tell you in the morning, that is why all of the WORK OUT shows are on at 5 am. I say whatever works best for you as long as you do it.

Question:Should I be taking supplements?

Answer: I personally don't believe in supplements. I believe that although there might be one or two that delivers on their promise, the vast majority is a bunch of hype and garbage. Studies always seem to come back saying that there is something dangerous inside of them. The only thing that I would consider is maybe a protein shake or bar. Even with those, be careful that the sugar and calories don’t outweigh the benefit of the protein. However, it is important to take necessary vitamins and/or minerals to compliment your food intake program. Consult with your doctor, nutritionist, or other health care professional to determine which vitamins and/or minerals you should be taking. Also see, “THE TRUTH ABOUT INFOMERCIALS”

Question: Should I wear a weight belt?

Answer: Unless you are using heavier weights or have a bad back it is not necessary. It can help with support if needed. Just be careful not to over compensate the use of the belt.

Question: How many repetitions should I do each set?

Answer: If you are using light to medium weight do a minimum of 15. If you are using heavier weight then you might only be able to do 8 or 10. These are guidelines, if by all means if you feel that you can do more, do them.

Question: How many sets should I do of each exercise?

Answer: I recommend working up to 6 or more sets of each exercise. I know that seems like a lot, but it will give you the fastest results. Start off doing 3 sets of each exercise and then work up to 6 or more sets.

Question: How long do I need to WORK OUT?

Answer: If you have never worked out before, start with about 20 to 30 minutes of continuous exercise. If that is still too much start off doing something in between commercials or while brushing your teeth etc. You should be able to be able to work up to 1hour 30-45 minutes if you are advanced. Anything more is not necessary.

Question: How do I keep myself motivated?


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