• I am committing sin by overindulging.
When you read the Bible there are countless scriptures of how we are to be pleasing to GOD by showing our obedience to his word. The Bible teaches that when you do not please HIM, you are not heard. When you are not pleasing to GOD and living righteous your prayers are not heard and fall on deaf ears.
• I am not putting my flesh under subjection.
The Bible teaches that we are to put our flesh under subjection and be transformed from the world. When we do not put our flesh under subjection we are not living under the authority of GOD. This means that we are giving into temptation and sin. We have been taught that you can’t serve two masters. You have to make the determination to serve GOD or the Devil. We have also been taught to think correctly to renew our mind. We are to allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct our footsteps.
• I will feel weaker, be more lethargic, and have a much worse feeling about myself.
When we don’t be obedient by being a good steward over our temples we become weaker, lethargic, and just have a general negative feeling. When you don’t take care of yourself you will suffer. Life doesn’t seem as joyful as it once did, you feel tired all the time, and your life seems as if it just passing by. The Bible teaches that you reap what you sew. If you sew weakness then you will reap weakness, it really is that simple. If you lie around all day and don’t move around the majority of the time, then when you do want to move around you will be too tired and won’t have the energy.
You can also read the section, “I WILL NOT DEVELOP A WORLDLY SELF IMAGE.”
Answer these questions
Have you committed the sin of overindulging? If so, how? If not, how?
Why are you having difficulties putting your flesh under subjection?
What are the consequences that you have paid for the sin of overindulging, putting your flesh under subjection?
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