Keep Your Temple Tuned Up With These Excellent Resources

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

So Why Do Many Overeat?

There are so many of you that over eat? When you over eat, it may be for several different reasons. There have been studies that say that for many food becomes as addictive to some the same way someone becomes addicted to alcohol or cigarettes. Research has shown that when we respond to pleasure, it raises the dopamine levels in our brain. Dr. Bob Greene has written a book Total Body Makeover

Some doctors believe that when we over eat we receive pleasure which has a automatic response of raising the dopamine levels in our brain. Once they become addicted they never reach the point of satisfaction. Since that point is never reached, they keep eating. It is important to realize that food can also be a addiction.

If you are over eating because you are trying to fulfil feelings of pleasure, then try to replace over eating with other forms of pleasure such as hanging out with friends, or whatever else brings you pleasure.

If you have started and stopped exercise, then it is up to you to start again. Come to a understanding of why you failed so that you will not repeat them and stay positive and keep going.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stop Posing!

When I see people posing to show off their physique, I cringe. When people start to pose, for something other than a show it shows their lack of humility. In the Bible we are taught to be humble through several scriptures. When we pose, we are saying that we are better than someone else.

In Genesis, we are taught that we were created in the likeness and image of God. No where in the Bible does it teach that we are to put ourselves above others. So why are we trying to show off. Stop showing off to other people. If you have made any progress in your exercise program and have been following it diligently then they can already see the difference in you. Trust me, when I say that you are the last person to see the improvements in your physique.

For example, if you notice changes in your arms someone else has noticed them before you. It is very likely that they didn't say anything to you because they were either jealous that it wasn't them, or it simply didn't occur for them to say anything.

Remember this has to be for you, so do it for you and stop posing. If someone offers you a compliment say Thank you and keep it moving. If they continue with the conversation then keep it at that level, just don't show off by posing.

Exercise While Pregnant

During pregnancy is a time when you will definitely have to modify your exercise program. It can still be done up until a certain point. Exactly when I don't know. Always, always talk to you ob/gyn about your intentions on exercising during pregnancy. I know that there are lots of videos and classes for expectant mothers. A exercise ball can be a great piece of equipment for expecting mothers.

Take all of the necessary precautions and guidelines presented to you by your ob/gyn. If they say that you can still maintain some type of exercise program, then you want to make sure that you take the necessary rest, hydration, and whatever else your doctor says.

I have also heard that women that exercise during pregnancy have easier labor and lose their pregnancy weight much faster than those that do not. Just remember that your first line of communication needs to be with your ob/gyn before you begin or continue to exercise during your pregnancy.

I am saying all of this under the assumption that you are not high risk. If you are high risk, I would reduce all exercise to anything more than walking around doing bicep curls with extremely light weights. That might even be too much. If the ob/gyn means bed rest that is what he means, follow his orders.

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

I think that so many of you have started and then stopped going to the gym or exercising all together is because you constantly compare yourself to others. The Bible teaches that we are wonderfully and marvelously made. That means that we are all unique in ourselves. You really, really do need to stop comparing yourself to other people. God wants you to be the best that you can be. Read Look Great, Feel Great and/or Donna Richardsons Lets Get Real

In reality what it means in terms of exercise and eating right is that what works for one may or may not work for you. Each and every one of us has gone through individual phases in our bodies. Stick to what you can do, there is always room for improvement for all of us. None of us are perfect.

You have to do this for you, not for someone else. They had to do it for themselves so now you must do the same. Strive to be the absolute best that you can be. There is greatness in you. Be like David when he had to face Goliath. David remained strong and fearless even when everything seemed to be against him. When he did, God gave him the victory.

I said that to say this to you. Don't let yourself fail in taking care of yourself, even when everything seems to be against you. When you remain strong and fearless in your stewardship of your body, then you will have the victory.

Exercising At Home

There are many of you that prefer to exercise at home. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, as long as you are doing something. I said it before, there is no golden rule that says that you have to go to the gym. It is by preference. You can use a exercise ball or dumbbells

However, there are a few guidelines that you need to follow if exercising at home.
1. Make sure you are in a safe area for exercise. Verify that there is enough room for you to exercise without putting yourself in danger.

2. Verify that you will not be distracted. Set aside a specific time frame. This is not the time to answer the phone, cook dinner, help the children with homework.

3. Still keep a set schedule as if you were going somewhere. Stick to the routine of exercising at the same time if possible. Many fall off when exercising at home, because they fail this step.

4. If possible, dedicate a room to exercise. If you have to constantly move the coffee table, you will be less likely to continue.

5. Consider DVD or a specific program that you enjoy and will get you moving.

You can still get a excellent work out at home, but you just have to follow these basic guidelines in order to see the desired results.

It's More Than Just Calories

It really cracks me up when I hear people talking about how many calories they consume. It is not to say that you can eat as many calories as you want. I just have to wonder how many of you actually break down your caloric intake to each of the food groups. Make sure that you are getting all of your vitamins and minerals. Read Ask Dr. Weil

We all need calories for energy so we can get through the day. Miss a full day of eating and check your energy level, I promise that it will not be as strong as if you had consumed a reasonable amount of calories through out your day.

You just basically make sure you eat a variety of foods according to the food groups. The actual number of calories depends on how fast you metabolize and digest the foods that you eat. What that number is, I don't have the slighest idea and I won't try to guess. That is for a conversation with your doctor and/or nutritionist.

Remember that even if you consume the right amount of calories for your body to metabolize at its optimal level you also need to be concerned with other nutrients such as fiber, calcium, etc.

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>

Exercises For The Elderly

Just because you have reached a certain age doesn't mean that you can't exercise. All it means is that you have to make specific modifications in order to keep your body at its optimal level.

It is critically important that you have a detailed conversation with your doctor prior to beginning any sort of exercise program. Follow doctor's orders. I am not a doctor, but I do know that there are some elderly people that are still full of life, healthy looking, and still extremely mobile. Then there are others that seem the complete opposite. If you are elderly or know someone that is, make the decision that you want to be in the first group that I described.

When you don't use your muscles or take care of yourself, you will slowly lose function. If you are already elderly, you can start very slowly. Even if you sit in a chair and do shoulder raises, roll your neck side to side, calf raises, bicep curls with absolutely no weight it is something. Something is always better than nothing.This is a great resource to help encourage seniorsin exercising.

If you are not yet elderly, then start now so that when you are elderly you can have a life of vitality. Once again, I remind you of my 85 year old cousin that runs marathons. She started when she was much younger and now she is definitely in the first group and so can you.

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>

Monday, July 6, 2009

Exercise Makes You Younger

Well here is another reason that you need to exercise. I found this on Yahoo, Dr. Mao Secrets to Longevity. He stated the following statement in a list of ways to increase your life span.

Boost Your "Youth Hormones"
You don't need pills to flood your body with a rejuvenating flood of growth hormones. Research has found that doing squats and leg presses will greatly increase your natural production of the "youth hormone". Increased growth hormone translates to an elevated mood, among other physical benefits. Keep it up with weight training, knee bends, push-ups, and rowing.

I have to say that I agree with this statement. Have you ever noticed that if you spend a day or so being completely lazy with very little movement more than from the fridge, couch, bathroom how hard it is to get moving with your regular routine? I don't know why it is so hard, but it is what it is. So get moving with some form of exercise, because if not it will be that much more difficult to get moving when you want to.

Watch this video on some more tips from Dr. Oz on how to stay young.

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>

Friday, July 3, 2009

Your Body Is Your Temple

I just want to take a moment to define what I mean when I say 'Temple.' It simply means your body. In 1 Corinthians 6:20 it says, "For ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify God, and in your spirit, which are God's."

In John 2:21, "But He spake of the temple of his body." Our body is a temple. God has given us our body as our most precious possession of which we are to have supreme stewardship. God wants us to give our best at all times. Treat your body as God would treat your body. Joyce Meyer gives a wonderful, spirit filled intrepretation of what it 'your body is a temple' really means according to God in Look Great

Give your best when it comes to your temple. So don't be confused anymore. Remember your body does not belong to you, it belongs to God. He has final say of whether or not you live or die, but you are responsible for how you become a steward over your body. If you do not take care of body in the natuaral, God can not take care of your body in the spiritual.

Take care of your temple with the utmost in stewardship and always give God your best as a credible witness.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Don't Forget About Calisthenics

Calisthenics are something that are often times forgotten about by the average person that exercises, especially at the gym. They can prove to be the true tell sign of someone that has endurance.

Often times you will hear of the military, governmental training or the police academy wanting to know how well you can perform based on calisthenics more so than how much weight you can bench press.

Calisthenics, includes exercises that are your own body weight, without the use of machines, bar bells, dumb bells, or cables. Some basic examples are pull ups, dips, push ups, chin ups etc. Do not be the least bit mis lead by the fact that you are using your own weight. I can't tell you how many times I have seen people that can put tons of weight on a bench press and can't do five pull ups.

I don't know the reason behind it, but I can tell you that if your want to build your strength and the endurance of your muscle then include calisthenics into your routine. They work the muscle in a different manner than using weights.

This is not to say that you should do only calisthenics, because I also know people that can do a lot of calisthenics and can't lift even the lightest weight. So just mix it and get the benefits of both weights and calisthenics in your routine.