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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Exercise While Pregnant

During pregnancy is a time when you will definitely have to modify your exercise program. It can still be done up until a certain point. Exactly when I don't know. Always, always talk to you ob/gyn about your intentions on exercising during pregnancy. I know that there are lots of videos and classes for expectant mothers. A exercise ball can be a great piece of equipment for expecting mothers.

Take all of the necessary precautions and guidelines presented to you by your ob/gyn. If they say that you can still maintain some type of exercise program, then you want to make sure that you take the necessary rest, hydration, and whatever else your doctor says.

I have also heard that women that exercise during pregnancy have easier labor and lose their pregnancy weight much faster than those that do not. Just remember that your first line of communication needs to be with your ob/gyn before you begin or continue to exercise during your pregnancy.

I am saying all of this under the assumption that you are not high risk. If you are high risk, I would reduce all exercise to anything more than walking around doing bicep curls with extremely light weights. That might even be too much. If the ob/gyn means bed rest that is what he means, follow his orders.

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>

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