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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Exercises For The Elderly

Just because you have reached a certain age doesn't mean that you can't exercise. All it means is that you have to make specific modifications in order to keep your body at its optimal level.

It is critically important that you have a detailed conversation with your doctor prior to beginning any sort of exercise program. Follow doctor's orders. I am not a doctor, but I do know that there are some elderly people that are still full of life, healthy looking, and still extremely mobile. Then there are others that seem the complete opposite. If you are elderly or know someone that is, make the decision that you want to be in the first group that I described.

When you don't use your muscles or take care of yourself, you will slowly lose function. If you are already elderly, you can start very slowly. Even if you sit in a chair and do shoulder raises, roll your neck side to side, calf raises, bicep curls with absolutely no weight it is something. Something is always better than nothing.This is a great resource to help encourage seniorsin exercising.

If you are not yet elderly, then start now so that when you are elderly you can have a life of vitality. Once again, I remind you of my 85 year old cousin that runs marathons. She started when she was much younger and now she is definitely in the first group and so can you.

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>

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