You are so much stronger than you think you are, so give yourself credit. Do not sell yourself short. It may be an extra set, five pounds, or a couple of extra minutes. Whatever it is, you have to constantly push yourself.
You know what your limit is, so go for it. This does not mean that you have to go for it each and every time that you work out. Of course, there will be some days when you have a better workout than others. However, those last extra that you sometimes force yourself to do will mean more than all of the sets and/or minutes from when you just started.
When you do this, you will not plateau as fast if at all. Do not do anything that will hurt yourself, but just sticking to the same thing over time is not a good idea.
Many people that are experienced in exercise do what is known as "burn out sets." That is that they go to the point of failure. It must be done with care and in moderation, but they are done quite often.
Don't be afraid to go the extra mile in your workout.
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