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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Remember Starch is Sugar

I know that many of you love your breads, pastas, potatoes and variety of rices. They are part of the food pyrmiad and I am not going to tell you that you can't have them. What I am going to tell you is to make sure that you consume them in moderation only.

Starches turn into sugar when they are not worked off. That means once they turn into sugar then have the potential to turn into fat that becomes stored on your body.
If you do choose to eat starches it is far better to eat whole wheat, whole grain, or brown varieties. The white version holds minimal if any nutritional value.

When you do consume starch make sure that it is earlier in the day so that you have time to burn some of it off. For example, try lunch or a early dinner. Also be careful of what you put on the starch. We are known to pile on butter, heavy creams and sauces, and other condiments that also add a lot of empty calories.

Stay away from pastas in restaurants, because they are known for adding lots of extra oils, greases, and other fats that you wouldn't use at home. If you do consume pastas in restaurants, they are usually enormous portions that you can divide into two portions. I strongly recommend that you split it in half.

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