Knowing when you have done enough during a work out is something that is different for each individual but also different for each work out. Here are some basic guidelines that you will have to determine each time. Then you will have to make the necessary adjustments sometimes in the middle of a session.
1.) Check your form. This the main way that I tell if I need to change my workout. If you normally have good form and you find that you are breaking form during a exercise.
2.) Your breathing is labored and you can't catch your breathe. This is hard to determine, because as you come more advanced you will want to push yourself harder. However, if you are just starting and not accostumed to working out, make sure you can at least talk. This does not mean a afternoon conversation yapping away non stop on the phone, but talk.
3.) You can't quench your thirst. When you sweat, you lose hydration and become thirsty. After a couple of sips you should be fine. If not, take time to re hydrate yourself before you contine.
4.) Your arms or legs are literally shaking. This is a good feeling for some that are experienced, but if not then consider slowing down or decreasing weight.
When and if you experience these symptoms, you should consider slowing down or stopping for the day and continuing later. Be patient, it takes time.
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