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Saturday, August 29, 2009

How To Encourage Your Children To Exercise

Nowdays, our children are unfortuanately being raised by television, video games, and internet. As a direct result, our children are becoming more and more overweight.
Children are supposed to be our pride and joy and are our future.

As parents, we need to stop allowing our children to continue to be raised by television, video games, and the internet. I remember when I was a child, those things were considered luxuaries that we got after we played outside. We would be playing at the park, riding bikes, playing tag or some other game. Here is a treadmill for children.

I want to encourage you to get your children back to those times. Even if they are not involved in organized sports, make sure they do some sort of physical exercise regardless of the type. Check out Children and Organized Sports.

Children deserve to be healthy and fit just as much as adults. The only problem is that it is left up to you to make sure that is a reality. Children will exercise if they are given the opportunity.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Try New Things in Life

Oh my goodness, for some reason we are so afraid to try new things in life. I want to encourage you to try new things in all areas of your life. It is a known fact that if you want a different result, then you must take a different action. It really is that plain and simple. When you do the same thing over and over again, you will get the same result. That is a promise.
This principle holds true even when it comes to your health through exercise and eating. If you continue to be lazy and not exercise, then how can you expect any benefit. The same is true if you do the same exercise routine every single workout. Your body will give you the same result up to a point and then you will eventually plateau. If you want to improve and grow then you must make a change.
Be encouraged to try new and completely different exercise routines that you have never tried before today. Also try new and exciting things when preparing meals for consumption. Make it a point to do a different exercise routine or to prepare meals that you have never tried before this point in time.
In Genesis 12. God instructed Abraham to leave his country and his family. God wanted him to get where he was uncomfortable and do something that he had never done before in life. God gave him the promise of blessing, but first Abraham had to do something new. So get uncomfortable and try something new and the blessing will come. Do not be afraid to be creative and innovative.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Write The Vision

When it comes to making goals it is absolutely critical that you put it down on paper. In Habakkuk 2:2". When you write it down then it becomes much more personal. When you are doing something of God, the devil gets extremely upset and will throw everything in your path to try to throw you off track. I found a totally awesome website called Living Success Network

When you have something physical to look at, it can re ignite the fire so that you can continue to remain steadfast, unmoveable, and unshakeable in reaching your goals. There are just a few things that you need to keep in mind when you write your goals.

1. Always write your vision in one or two sentences. When you write to much you can not focus your attention, on the goal. Be extremely specific in what your goal is.

2. If you can do it by yourself then most likely it is too small. Think grand scale, do not put any limits on God. He is capable of all things and nothing is impossible with God. We all need each other.

3. Be careful of who you share your goals with in your daily life. There are some people that will uplift, encourage, and motivate you and then there are those that will negate, question, or discourage you whether intentionally or unintentionally. Learn the difference.

4. Become a expert in your niche. You should know at minimum a overview of everything in your niche. It is not to say that you know everything, but you should know where to go to get the information that you need.

Ok, so now you ask what does this have to do with health and eating right? This means that when you make the decision to take stewardship through exercise and eating right, you must apply these same principles. When you apply these basic principles, you will more likely to make exercise and nutrition a lifestyle change that you will maintain for the rest of your life.

Check out my blog post on Snapvine You can also check out my video

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Stop Judging Others On What They Look Like

I am so tired of the way that we as a nation treat those that are over-weight. The world as made it seem as if over-weight people are less than, inferior, or somehow not deserving. This is abosolutely ridiculous and a direct insult to God. There are countless scriptures on how we are not to judge others. Matthew 7:1-2.

We have absolutely no right to judge or treat those that are overweight any differently. God created us in is likeness and image Genesis 1:26.

We don't know what they may have experienced, if they have a medical issue, a addiction to food, or whatever the case may be. It is up to us to love them just as we are commanded by God. If a over-weight person reaches out to you, then treat them as you would want God to treat them. We are all God's children. Check out Why So Many Over-eat"

We need to stop tolerating in our daily lives and activities. Maybe once we do that, maybe just maybe the mass media will take our lead!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Remember We All Require Different Exercises and Foods

The absolute worst thing that you can do when exercising and eating right is to compare yourself to someone else. What works for one person, may or may not work for you. Each of us are created to be different, so therefore different exercises and foods will be required for us than for someone else. Check out Donna Richardson's book"Let's Get Real

How do you know what they are? I am sorry to tell you that it is a matter of trial. The only way to know for sure is to try various exercises and foods and see what works best for you. At times, it will be very frustrating because you may try several different things and see little to no improvement.

I also recommend talking to a nutritionist for what you should be eating on a regular basis. Especially if you are already eating what appears to be healthy. Your body composition may react one way versus another. Only a professional can give you a true answer to this question. Please whatever you do, do not rely on friends or worse yet the late night, early morning infomercials.

Take time to educate yourself on what exercises and nutrition is important for you. Habakkuk 2:2 says to make it plain and to write the vision. Therefore, I recommend that you put it in writing so that when you do take it to the professional you have something to show them.

Don't get discouraged when something does not work for you, it just means that you have to try something different. In doing this, you will become educated as to what works for you and how to have the best success.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Exercise And Eating Right Is About Your Health

There are so many different types of diseases that the risk greatly increases because of being overweight and poor nutrition. It really is quite simple the way that you treat your body is the way your body will treat you.

You continually put in junk, then you raise your risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. If you are continually lazy and do not exercise you open the door to be overweight, which puts extra pressure on your organs.

Make a decision before God that you will begin to eat better and to exercise. If for no other reason do it so that you can live longer and more healthy. Take care of yourself physically and you will feel better about your life spiritually, mentally and emotionally.

If you don't take care of yourself, then neither can anyone else. Learn to make small modifications and take small victories at a time, but make the decision to eat right and exercise.

Check out the audio