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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Try New Things in Life

Oh my goodness, for some reason we are so afraid to try new things in life. I want to encourage you to try new things in all areas of your life. It is a known fact that if you want a different result, then you must take a different action. It really is that plain and simple. When you do the same thing over and over again, you will get the same result. That is a promise.
This principle holds true even when it comes to your health through exercise and eating. If you continue to be lazy and not exercise, then how can you expect any benefit. The same is true if you do the same exercise routine every single workout. Your body will give you the same result up to a point and then you will eventually plateau. If you want to improve and grow then you must make a change.
Be encouraged to try new and completely different exercise routines that you have never tried before today. Also try new and exciting things when preparing meals for consumption. Make it a point to do a different exercise routine or to prepare meals that you have never tried before this point in time.
In Genesis 12. God instructed Abraham to leave his country and his family. God wanted him to get where he was uncomfortable and do something that he had never done before in life. God gave him the promise of blessing, but first Abraham had to do something new. So get uncomfortable and try something new and the blessing will come. Do not be afraid to be creative and innovative.

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