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Friday, September 4, 2009

5 Questions To Ask About The Mass Media

There is so many products in the mass media that we are bombarded with every day, whether it is on television, in a magazine, online, or where ever else telling that we have to be thin or look a certain way. It is no wonder why we have such a body image complex as a nation. Therefore, it is important that you take the time to educate yourself on the truth. Here is a great book to get you started.

I know that through out a lot of my articles, I have told you to beware of the mass media. Once again, I still stand by that statement. However, it is important to realize that the mass media can and does provide valuable information in regards to your health. You just really have to take the time to anaylze what you are hearing. There are a couple of ways that you can tell whether or not it is worth your attention.

1. It is FDA approved?

This means that it has to be sanctioned by the government and real doctors, nutritionists, and other health care professionals have endorsed this product. This does not mean that the product is 100% guaranteed and that all claims are true, it just means that it is held at a higher standard than just some random manufacturer creating something.

2. Ask yourself, "Does It Make Sense?"

Anything that sounds completely off the wall or is contrary to absolutely everything that you know to be true, do not fall for it. Do not play yourself for dumb or insult your intelligence.

3. It is all or nothing?

There is never a time when you should believe it when you are told that you can ONLY consume something and absolutely NONE of something. Our bodies even require fats and sugars in moderation.

4. Does It Sound Too Good To Be True?

This is no different than your mother telling you that if it sounds too good to be true, then it is. Don't be fooled by the marketing and commericalism.

5.Does It Sound Dangerous?

If something sounds dangerous, then simply stay away. Nothing is worth sacraficing your health.

So I am saying all of this to say, watch the mass media with a grain of salt. Take the time to really think about if it is worthwile or if it is just garbage. You can learn a lot in regards to your health and nutrition. Once again, if you have any doubt or questions always ask your doctor, nutritionist and/or other health care professional.

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