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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Exercise Journal 101

If you are just beginning a new exercise program or want to see the difference between various programs keep a exercise journal. It will help you track your progress and what works or doesn't work for your body.

The amount of detail largely depends on your needs. For example, if you have been exercising for quite some time and already know how your body reacts to specific exercises, your journal will look a lot different than someone who does not know that information. The first scenario may just be a calendar that tells you what part of the body you are exercising for that day and if you are doing cardio. The second scenario may do that in addition to listing specific exercises for each body part and the exact form of cardio, length of time, etc.

I would make your own journal from scratch to make sure if fulfills all of your needs and that it is easy to follow. You should be able to fill in your journal within a couple of minutes. If you do not feel comfortable making it from scratch then you can just as easily do a internet search to find countless examples of exercise journals. It is just then a matter of finding one that fits your needs without also including a bunch of extra information that you don't need.

As you needs change, then you may have to change your exercise journal. Once you become more advanced, you will rely less and less on a journal. However, it can be vital for someone that is in the beginning stages of exercising.

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